Port Royal is a passion project for one of Northern California’s longstanding cannabis legends. Kevin Jodrey moved to Humboldt County in 1992 and never left. Working in every corner of the industry from the Emerald Triangle to Australia, Jodrey is a career hustler dedicating his life to keeping the NorCal hills lit bright enough to shine worldwide. Jodrey has his hands in weed ventures across the globe, but Port Royal, miles up in the Humboldt hills, is where he spends his days and plants his passion.
Only accessible by four-wheeler or truck up nearly 30 minutes of rough mountain terrain, Port Royal is a small clearing set on a series of ridges deep in Humboldt’s historic maze of a forest. Named after the legendary sunken island famous for pirate parlays, Port Royal has been a legacy farm since the beginning of California’s legalization days with Jodrey and one pair of helping hands planting, growing, and harvesting every crop.